Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to bring a partner?

A. No. We are happy to guarantee a friendly partner for all new players while they get acquainted with our club and community. We ask that all partner requests be made the same day as the game you wish to attend and we do require 2 hours notice before gametime. Just dial 215.732.1148 and leave a message saying that you need a partner for that afternoon or evening and come on in!  We’ll have someone for you by game time.  So all you need to do is request a partner by phone, email or make an online reservation and head to Bridge Club of Center City.  If you request a partner through our online reservation form, you will receive confirmation that your request was completed successfully.  Otherwise, please don't wait (or ask) for a confirmation - you are confirmed and your partner will be ready to play with you by game time.   


Q. Can I get a “good” partner if I come in alone?

A. Yes. Some of our strongest players help fill in when needed. However, if you demand a certain calibre of player – then we suggest that you arrange for your own partner. Walk-ins can expect a very pleasant bridge session with a friendly non-critical bridge partner – and vice versa. Other players and potential partners are evaluating you based on how you conduct yourself at the table and with your partner – not by how you perform in the rankings. Cream rises to the top.

Q. If I’m matched up with a more experienced partner, will I be expected to play the conventions they normally play?

A. No. Walk-ins should cater their systems and conventions to the simplest common denominator. Agree to have fun with the basics and you can discuss adding gadgets for future sessions.

Q. Do you offer lessons?

A. Yes. Every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm we offer lessons and supervised play. All levels are welcome – from absolute beginners to advanced players looking to improve their game. It’s an amazing environment for learning, a great way to hone your knowledge and develop your bridge acumen. Wednesday  nights are great ways to find and develop new partnerships, and an excellent way to get to know our club. We can also arrange private lessons if you prefer.

Q. Am I good enough to play in a regular game?

A. The only threshold that needs to be met to play in a regular game is the capability to play at the pace of the game. We play 24 boards over the course of a session which translates to 7.5 minutes per board. Keeping pace and maintaining the flow of the movement delineates when people are ready - novices to experts all play in regular games - we stratify results. No one will comment or criticize or teach. We pride our club on being supportive, friendly and fun. Again, our lesson games Wednesday nights are great ways to test the waters. Our games host all levels and all levels of players are welcome and encouraged to attend. Unsolicited advice or comment on the bidding or play of an opponent is considered in poor taste – and not done. Our players are very happy to see new faces and make them feel welcome.

Q. Where can I park?

A. Evening players can park with the valet in the building and get a parking voucher for $5 at the bridge club.

Q. Will someone call the Director on me?

A. Our Directors are there to ensure that the game runs smoothly and that fairness and decorum are maintained. When anything unusual happens – during the bidding or play – the director should be called to restore equity or inform the players of their rights in the given situation. Having the director called on you is not an accusation of wrong doing – it’s the appropriate response to alert the director of an unusual occurrence. Unusual situations happen all the time – insufficient bids, leads out of turn, revokes – to name a few and the Director should be called each and every time. Whenever a player feels as though unauthorized information has been shared, the Director should be called. If players are being disruptive or unpleasant in any way, the Director should be notified so they can address and remedy the situation.

Q. What are the Wednesday Night Lessons like?

A. Every Wednesday night at 7:00pm we have a lesson game at the club. It’s a great way to learn about our club, the amazing people here and the greatest game of all – Bridge!

All levels welcome. Absolute beginners – people who haven’t played in years – regular players who want to improve. We boast the best learning environment anywhere and laugh a lot. We teach Standard American 2/1 and all the Basic Modern conventions are covered. More important than what we teach is how we teach - we emphasize understanding over memorization and provide our students with frameworks to access their bridge knowledge and make smart partnership decisions.

Bring friends or come alone – we’ll be happy to match you up with plenty of friendly people.

We focus on loving the game – not the result. Bridge is a partnership game - and we define success first by being a supportive partner and a sportsman. A short lesson is followed by supervised play where asking questions about bidding, play and decorum are welcome and the norm.

reserve for a game


lessons and supervised play